Honghao Fu


Postdoctoral researcher,Massachusetts  Institute of Technology,American  

Honghao Fu was a QuICS doctoral student from 2015 to 2021 advised by Carl Miller.  Honghao graduated from the University of Maryland with a PhD in computer science.  He is a postdoc at MIT.  



A. M. ChildsFu, H.Leung, D.Li, Z.Ozols, M., and Vyas, V.Streaming quantum state purification, 2023.

H. FuWang, D., and Zhao, Q.Parallel self-testing of EPR pairs under computational assumptions, 2023.

H. FuWang, D., and Zhao, Q.Parallel self-testing of EPR pairs under computational assumptions, 2023.


H. FuConstant-sized correlations are sufficient to robustly self-test maximally entangled states with unbounded dimensionQuantum, vol. 6, p. 614, 2022.


H. FuMiller, C., and Slofstra, W.The membership problem for constant-sized quantum correlations is undecidable, 2021.

L. K. ShalmZhang, Y.Bienfang, J. C.Schlager, C.Stevens, M. J.Mazurek, M. D.Abellán, C.Amaya, W.Mitchell, M. W.Alhejji, M. A.Fu, H.Ornstein, J.Mirin, R. P.Nam, S. Woo, and Knill, E.Device-independent Randomness Expansion with Entangled PhotonsNat. Phys. , 2021.


Y. ZhangShalm, L. K.Bienfang, J. C.Stevens, M. J.Mazurek, M. D.Nam, S. WooAbellán, C.Amaya, W.Mitchell, M. W.Fu, H.Miller, C.Mink, A., and Knill, E.Experimental Low-Latency Device-Independent Quantum RandomnessPhys. Rev. Lett. , vol. 124, no. 010505, 2020.

Y. ZhangFu, H., and Knill, E.Efficient randomness certification by quantum probability estimationPhys. Rev. Research , vol. 2, no. 013016, 2020.


H. Fu and Miller, C.Local randomness: Examples and applicationPhys. Rev. A, no. 97, p. 032324, 2018.


H. FuLeung, D., and Mancinska, L.When the asymptotic limit offers no advantage in the local-operations-and-classical-communication paradigmPhys. Rev. A , vol. 89, no. 052310, 2014.

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